Saturday, May 05, 2007

Buffalo Bench started

I finally got started on my buffalo bench yesterday and after a rocky start, I am pleased with the progress I made today. This is my favorite of the two benches and also has more faces to paint, however, I'm painting this monochromatically (burnt umber and white) so I just have to work with value instead of color temperature and value....Here's my unsolicited plug for Chroma Atelier Acrylics - I am SOOOO glad I bought them for this project. They really do stay moist and blend very nicely. And I can just rinse my paintbrush out in water! I'll see if I can get some close-ups tomorrow but for now, you can see how the front of the bench looks.

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Drippy Daffodils

6 x 6 in. watercolor on Aquabord Daffodils are one of my favorite flowers and dozens of little clusters have been appearing in my yard s...