Sunday, July 26, 2009

Illustration Friday "Idle"

A couple of years ago, my husband and I took our kids up to a farm in Washington County, Nebraska where one day each fall, the farmer has an open house and he shows people how people used to grow corn and operate without machinery. That day, these tractors sat idle while we learned how corn was checked, rope and candles were made by hand, and transportation was by horse drawn carriage.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Tango - Illustration Friday

I went for a real classy upscale type of illustration for tango and I love the color blue green so that was my background choice. I found a video clip for reference and paused it when I thought the dancers were in a good pose. Then I experimented by spattering alcohol drops onto the background which didn't do what i thought it would do but maybe it was because I was using cold press w/c paper or it was too wet. Instead of leaving white spatters, they were dark so I spattered some water over that to get some white drops to add to the bubbly effect. I love the way winsor blue can be manipulated to get interesting textural effects. Of course, this ability can work against you if you want a smooth wash. :)

Monday, July 13, 2009

Illustration Friday "Hollow"

The first thing that came to mind when I saw the subject "Hollow" was how kids like to play with paper towel and toilet paper tubes. Lucky me, we had one handy and I coaxed my son once again to model. He's almost 9 and at one of the best ages for being curious and goofy without being self conscious about it.

Monday, July 06, 2009

Illustration Friday "Shaky"

This is my idea for this week's IF theme "Shaky". Two weeks in a row...Yay! Thanks go to my 8yo son, who modeled for me with only a tiny bit of coaxing. ;)

Drippy Daffodils

6 x 6 in. watercolor on Aquabord Daffodils are one of my favorite flowers and dozens of little clusters have been appearing in my yard s...